This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-02-11 18:00:00 to 2021-02-14 18:00:00. View 27 entries

100% Free To Enter!

$1,500 cash pool, More Prizes will be announced!

Find a Jam team on Sonicworkflow's Discord server: 

Follow Sonicworkflow 

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More prize categories may be announced as more sponsors provide support for this jam. ***All cash prizes will be distributed via PayPal, please see the rules section for more details.***

Best Game:

Best Game is awarded to the best overall piece of interactive audio-visual art. A coherent and polished experience is key to winning this category.

  1. Place: $750 - The Sticky Plan by Yellow Fall Games
  2. Place: $525 - LoveBytes by Daring Owl Studios
  3. Place: $225 - Cringe Castle by Chipper Deer Studio

Best Visual Artwork: Cringe Castle by Chipper Deer Studio

Best Visual Artwork will be awarded to the most visually pleasing submission, be it 2D or 3D in nature. 

Best Sound Design: LoveBytes by Daring Owl Studios

Best Sound Design will be awarded to the most accoustically pleasing submission, both in music and SFX. 

Best Writing: Cringe Castle by Chipper Deer Studio

Best Writing will be awarded to the submission which offers the most coherent, well-structured plot and worldbuilding, including characters, their presentation and ludo-narrative resonance. 

Best Game Play: The Sticky Plan by Yellow Fall Games

Best Game Play goes to the game with the most fun and polished mechanics and game play loop. 

Best Game Runnerups:
Demon Slayer Dan by Dummy Dojo
Ultimate CringeFest by Thiago Amaro
Battermill Inc by ByteTale Studios

Please Contact Sonicworkflow if your game is mentioned above!

Top Sponsor:

Special Thanks to our Top Sponsor Digital Confectioners - a studio with decades of experience specializing in creating high quality games shipped on Steam, PlayStation and Xbox platforms. Check out their hit title Depth and their upcoming title Dread Hunger . You can also follow these fantastic games @DepthGame and @DreadHungerGame


pygame org

Submission Requirements: 

The game must be dedicated to the jam, not just a game that you have been working on forever. To ensure this the game must follow the theme in a recognizable way. You are free to interpret the theme in any way you see fit, but if the judges cannot make the connection, you will not be eligible for prizes. 

No NSFW-games are allowed. This is an open contest with participants of all ages and backgrounds, please limit your submission accordingly in order to be eligible for prizes. 

Any engine or framework is allowed for use, both paid as well as free versions. However the game must run on Windows or in a browser in order to be eligible for prizes. If it doesn't, we cannot guarantee that we'll be technically able to play (and thus judge) it. If you are building on MAC OS or Linux, please contact us beforehand so we can see whether we can accommodate your submission anyway. 

A submission can win in more than one category at once. Some categories have a certain overlap (for example the winning team in best game is likely to score very high in one or more other categories as well), yet we'll make sure to keep these categories separate wherever possible in order to distribute the prizes across the participants. 

The use of pre-made assets is generally allowed, as long as the following rules are observed: 
  • Only free assets may be used. This is in order to ensure nobody can take home prizes on former purchases. Please do not use any pirated assets. 
  • All free asset sets must be explicitly stated upon submission. This can happen via a readme-file, details on the game's or an ingame credits-section. State what assets from external sources were used and how, so the judges can determine whether their inclusion merits a higher score. 
  • These rules apply to larger sets of assets and the more prominent assets in your game primarily. Your game will not fail to score because you used a single barrel from some obscure source, the judges will simply not focus on how well the barrel was made, but rather how well you used it in your game. 
  • Failing to disclose usage of assets in your submission may result in points being detracted from your score. 

IP and Publishing: 

All rights to the submitted game remain with the submitting dev team. The submitting team allows the mods and judges to use and present the submission and footage of it during the judging period. This may include streaming the submission on YouTube, Twitch and other channels. 

Submissions must be free during the entire judging period. After the judging period each team may monetize their game as they see fit. 

Prizes, Judging and Delivery: 

All cash prizes are by default distributed via PayPal. If PayPal is not an option for you, you will not be eligible for cash prizes. 
Each team has to provide a PayPal account that a potential cash prize will be sent to. The teams distribute any prizes among themselves.  

The prize pool is comprised from cash and various other items, provided by the hosts and sponsors. These prizes will be distributed in the categories mentioned above. Submitting does not in itself result in any claims to any part of the prize pool. 

Ryan Bown -  Associate Professor of Entertainment Arts and Engineering at the University of Utah. He's an award winning artist, designer, instructor, and researcher - Streaming Game Art as 3D Mentor on Twitch

HourADayGamer - OFFICIAL STREAMER for the Indie World Order! Hour is an indie game tester, promoter, and streamer! Hour loves to show new and exciting indie games to the world! Hour's goal is to spend even more time showcasing great games! He wants indie games to be more popular than triple A titles! HourADayGamer streams regularly on Twitch and can be reach on Twitter

HourADayGamer will be streaming some of the Game Jam Submissions Feb 16th, 17th, 18th at 9pm CST.


All submissions
Browser playable (13)
Windows (15)
macOS (1)

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"Don't worry, m'lady, I'm Demon Slayer Dan and my sweet katana skills will keep you safe." *Tips Fedora*
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Short survival game about scaring potential buyers of the house.
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A robot infiltrates human society with words of love
Play in browser
One of the constellations has gone missing! Search for the stars in the sea to return the sky to its original glory.
A cringe heist at the Sixtine Chapel museum
A self-proclaimed god enters a high school as a transfer student, trying to navigate human dating life.
Visual Novel
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Make it Emo
Sometimes making the sale means breaking your own heart.
Interactive Fiction
Sure, it has the ending;)
Magic Fight Game
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First-Person Platformer about filtering online hate
Game made for a short 72h jam
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Short top-down game about the knight and the useless squire.
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Your deepest secrets are not so hard to find on the internet.
Visual Novel
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Walmart has been overridden by a beast of immense cringe. Take him down with your epic swag!
Avoid traps and reach the end of the castle!
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Conquer your loved one by showing off your dance skills!
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Be a weeb
As demon in disguise, grab hands of strangers
Fcking Dmn Ugly Ehwugly
Protect lovers from the demon cringe!
simple and short cringe game
Can our brave hero best the necromancer in Cring-- Er, Crypt Castle!
Play in browser
Cattle mutilation and space piracy game - play on web with touch or keyboard, but best on phone imo
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Superhero Schedule Simulator
Alien Girl tries to go on a date but it goes terrible
Visual Novel
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