This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-06-01 04:00:00 to 2024-09-01 04:00:00. View results

          Welcome jammers to the first ever Perverted Space Monkey event. Growing up as a fan of entertainment sophisticated work's have become harder to find and though the quality is rising idea's seem to never evolve as before the day's of CGI or programmers develop a engine of their own, people shy away from hard work or fear to bring to the public what could be known as grown breaking. I ask you to join be the future show the world that the same isn't enough that you need more.

Simple to extreme make your mark. Create what you believe is mature yet proper for public viewing this isn't a adult site after all it's .

[ It would also be great for it to be made on window's thanks Hidden object announced at start of event

       The meaning of the event name.  

 Cosmonauts are the  first people to send a living thing into space witch was a monkey, the name is taking from a idea I had in my head twisted experiments they did to the monkey once it got back from space and later it hunts them down and kills them. Perverted is not a dirty term it's the mental state of the animal