After 3 tries, I got to floor 11 with a score of 9350. The game in its entirety is based on luck (who you fight, how strong they are, where the exit is, etc). This is also evident by my runs, where in the first 2 I got no further than floor 2 or 3, but on my 3rd I got very lucky and was able to reach floor 11.
You should transform a few gameplay elements from RNG based to skill based. For example, a flee button alongside the fight button would make it more tactical and interesting. The healthbar is ambiguous, the player doesn't know how many steps/hp they have left. Tell the player how much they gain from a fight and how much they lose, so they can make more calculated decisions. The map could also have different colored tiles which represent the enemies you might encounter on a given tile. For example on grey tiles you'll get spiders, spider rats and ghosts (weaker enemies) but on brown tiles you might encounter werewolves and witches (stronger enemies).
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