This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-04-27 18:00:00 to 2018-04-29 18:00:00. View results
Date: April 27, 2018 - April 29, 2018
Duration: 48 hours
Start: Friday, 20pm
End: Sunday, 20pm
Number of participants: unlimited, free for all
Team size: unlimited
Technologies: unlimited
Assets: unlimited
Topic: ?
Evaluation: Voting
Support: Discord server with text and voice channel per team
Feel free to join on
Previous Gamejams:
Possible Topics could be
1. Balance
2. Quick n Dirty
3. Fire
4. Swarm
5. Illusion
6. Gravity
7. Colors
8. Deep
9. Thruster
10. Ninja
11. Party
12. Echo
13. Time
14. Landscape
15. Climate
16. 60 seconds left
17. Explosion
18. Wtf
19. Space
20. Dark Ages
21. Social
22. Pets
23. Fright Night
24. Elevators
25. Crashdummy
26. Darkness
27. Shadows
28. Action
29. Work
30. Phobia
31. Trains
32. Lonelyness
33. Riddle
34. Dungeon
35. Music
36. Rhythm
37. Time Warp
38. Galaxy
39. Water
40. Ocean
41. Pirates
42. Flood
43. Island
44. Stranded
45. To Do List
46. Ship
47. Globe
48. Two Worlds
49. Garden
50. Cars
51. Ghosts
52. Riot
53. Hospital
54. Heroes
55. Ice
56. School
57. Death
Previous Topics:
Hunt & Gather
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