This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-05-04 04:00:00 to 2021-05-26 04:00:00. View results

An open challenge to create a game in the STAR WARS universe focused on DROIDS in a 3 week time frame. All skill levels are welcome, from beginners to professionals. This jam is meant to be a tribute and celebration of one of the world's greatest pop-culture universes.

The jam submission period will run between May 4th, 2021 and May 25th 2021. The judging period will be help between May 26th and June 2nd. Once judging is over, winners will be announced here on this page and in the community forums. There will be a judge's pick, a community pick, and a host's pick. There are 3 guest judges that have signed on to assist with the judging. Those judges are Vimlark, Xanderwood, and MottzyMakes.

Focus - Droids

Theme - "The Power of One."

Important Rules

Entries which break these rules or have no clear relation to the Requirement (focus/theme) will be removed without notification. If you want clarification on why your game was removed, please contact clonethirteen on twitter.


Main Rules

  1. Solo or Team: Up to four members, one submission per team. If you're working solo, you count as a team. You may be on multiple teams (although we don't recommend it). All team members and entrants must be 13+ years old.
  2. Submission: Answer all questions completely and honestly.
  3. Accessibility:
    1. Must work in Windows 10. Web(HTML) builds are preferred.
    2. Any game-critical text must be in English.
    3. Cannot require unusual peripherals (allow keyboard and/or mouse controls).
  4. Credit:
    1. Credit all assets in your game including CC0 assets and your own work.
    2. Credits must be accessible from game start (title or credits screen).

Allowed before the jam begins

  • General-purpose code, i.e. character controller, project template, menu functionality, AI library, etc.
  • Freely available assets including open general-purpose source code can be acquired.

Not Allowed

  • NSFW content including but not limited to sexual content (including language), nudity, and excessive realistic gore/violence.
  • Hateful content including any violence, threat of violence, or discrimination against other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.
  • Political or religious themes. By "political" we mean any direct reference to real-world political parties, individuals, governments, or their ideals.
  • Game code or custom assets made before the jam.
  • The used of pre-existing characters in the star wars universe. All character you create must be an original idea. Your character does not have to be "canon." You do not have to use droids from the star wars universe, you are free to create and design your very own droid(s).
  • Due to copyright laws, use of music, sound, other assets pre-existing the star wars universe, you cannot use said pre-existing assets. Examples being - Star Wars Theme music, The March of the Sith music, etc. If its questionable, just ask in the community and the host will respond as soon as possible.

Make a game focused on droids. 

This is the focus (limitation) for the jam. An entry must include droids to qualify.

Droids are any AI controlled being you can conjure. This could be:

  • An R2 astro-mech droid
  • A 3po protocol droid
  • An ID-75 heavy assault droid
  • Or any droid design you can come up with
  • see here for a full list on different types of droids from the star wars universe

There are no limitations on tools, genre, or audiovisual style.


Entrants rate games on the following criteria for Community Pick. The judge's and host will use this same criteria to make their picks.

  • Fun/Design: Enjoyment of the game. Are the mechanics interesting? Do I want to play more?
  • Technical Implementation: Polish and complexity. Does the game push technical boundaries or have special tech to stand out? Are there few, if any, bugs and typos?
  • Music/Sound: Audio presentation. How well does the music/sound fit the game? Max 4 stars if external assets used.
  • Graphics/Animation: Visual presentation. How clean/consistent does it look? Are animations fluid? Is there clear understanding of color, contrast, and other visual skills? Max 4 stars if external assets used.
  • Theme/Limitation: Implementation of jam theme and limitation. Is the theme prevalent? How unusual is the interpretation? How strictly does the game follow the requirement? Out-of-the-box thinking on the theme (not taking it literally) will score

Voting - 

We all understand that Star Wars fandom can be a volatile/toxic social environment. We are not here to judge someone vision/interpretation of how they view the star wars universe. As said before, the games created here do not have to be "canon," whatever that means. We are here to give constructive and viable feedback on game making. If you make a comment on someone submission that condemns them for their view on the star wars universe, it is possible that it could be grounds for disqualification.

Prizes - 

First of all, everyone that completes and submits a project is a winner hands down. There will be Picks made to exemplify the top entries. 

The Community Pick will get to pick the "Focus" for next years Star Wars Fan Game Jam.

The 3 Judges Pick's will each get to suggest a theme for next years Star Wars Fan Game Jam.

The Host's Pick will get to pick 1 of the 3 above suggestion to be next years theme.

All 5 of those picks will a shirt commemorating this years jam! See the mockup below. This theme will be on the back of the shirt.

Also with the shirt those 5 picks will also get a small glow-in-the-dark trophy which also commemorates this years event. 

FAQ - 

What tools/engines can/should I use? Use anything you like! We recommend a proper game engine to save time - something like Unity, Godot, Construct, Unreal, etc.

Not sure what to use? Ask in the community. We have a lot of experienced members familiar with various tools.

I'm awful at music/art. How could I ever make a game?  Our jams allow external assets credited appropriately. We insist you credit everything, even Creative Commons Zero or Public Domain. If you use external assets without credit, your game will be removed from the jam.

You can find many free assets on Open Game Art and Remember to give credit to the creator of any assets used.

I don't know how to program. Can I still make games?   Absolutely! Many systems require minimal programming. The best way to learn is to get your feet wet, and a game jam is a wonderful no-risk way to try out new tech. There are many tutorials for the game engine of your liking on YouTube.

Am I required to use theme?   Not technically, but it is a voting category, so you will score higher overall with a good use of the theme.

Should I build for Windows/Mac/Linux/web/[insert system here]?  Yes! Although an HTML build is preferable, you can build for as many systems as you can so more people can play your game. We recommend finding someone with the target system to test your build long before the jam ends so you can be sure it works.

I didn't finish. Should I submit? Yes! Game jams are about creating prototypes. A finished game takes years. You can still win with a cool idea, even if the experience is brief.

How can I get more people to play my entry?   Play games from the jam and on, leaving quality feedback. Ask the dev politely to play your game, so they know you're looking for feedback. There's also a new feature on that shows your entry when you comment on the game's jam page so be sure to do so there.

Can I make a multiplayer game?  Yes, but we don't recommended it due to the extra difficulty giving feedback.

Can I make a 2D/2.5D/3D game? Yep! There are no graphical limitations to this jam.

Can I enter other jams with the same game? Absolutely, as long as you follow all rules and time limitations for each jam. Note we lock submissions, so you won't be able to upload new builds while this jam is being rated.

Where can I ask more questions? Ask in the community for this jam

Looking for tips on how to succeed at the jam? Below are some links to a few guides on how to do better at game jams.

How to Quickly Get Ideas in Game Jams by Jonas Tyroller

Top 5 Tips To Do Better In Game Jams by Vimlark

Game Jam Tips - 13 Things To Know For Your First Game Jam by Tim Ruswick

29 Game Jam TIPS! by Blackthornprob

HOW TO GAME JAM! by Brackeys

Good Luck to all!


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Linux (1)

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