This jam is now over. It ran from 2017-03-31 22:00:00 to 2017-04-09 21:00:00. View 1 entry

Disclaimer: when it comes to talk about animals rights, the first reaction is often "No thanks, human rights come first."
If someone spend some time on writing a word or devolving some creative energy to tell the conditions of not-human living beings, well, this will not affect the willing of improving human rights.

Few days ago I found this:

April 4 is the day to give special attention to the 600.000.000 stray animals in the world.
Dogs and cats should have a home. But stray dogs and stray cats don't. They lead poor and miserable lives on the streets. They are often illfed, suffer from extreme heat or cold, and suffer from diseases. Even more often, they're being chased around by hostile and violent people.
But we, as people who care about animals, can do something.
April 4 is the day to show compassion, take care, and get into take action for stray animals all over our planet.

so my thought was: why don't try to organize a Game Jam for the 4th of April with the aim of sensitizing to the stray animals life conditions?

(Learn more on:


A game jam is a gathering of people for the purpose of planning, designing, and creating one or more games within a short span of time. A Game Jam stimulates collaboration and is not a competition, so partecipans are encouraged to form teams or joining an existing one.

If you like games and have some game development-related skills (programming, game design, 2d or 3d Art, writing, musical composition, ...) you are encouraged to participate and contribute to this global spread of game development and creativity!

And it doesn't matter if you're a pro or a beginner: a game jame is for everyone!


Check the Community page for this jam.


(More may come before the jam starts. I'm open to suggestions.)

No species barriers

The game is about the friendship between species known to be natural born enemies (i. e. a dog and a cat or a cat and a mouse...)

Man as enemy, man as saviour

The game depics man as the cause of the stray's misery, but also as the element to improve the stray's condition.

Stray vs wild

The game explores differences and similarities between a stray animal's life and a wild animal's one.

Stray vs pet

The game explores differences and similarities between a stray animal's life and a house animal's one.

Say no words

No words (written or spoken) are allowed. Just barking, meow, squeak, growl, purr.

An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language

To reflect the point of view of an animal character, only use the colors it's able to see.


Three existing games about living like a stray animal:


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As a dog, what will you do when your master just forsake you...
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