Play project
Rid's NightMare's pageDaftar Nama Anggota Tim & Rolenya
1. Rizky Hendra Saputra (72) - Game Programming
2. SRI WAHYUNI (401) - Product Management
3. Mutiara Hasya Zahra (218) - Game Design
4. Ahmad Aziz Saputra (129)
5. Farid Taufik(73) - Game Programming
6. Siti Suci Shohibah NA (271) - Producer
7. Dilia Kurniati (263) - Game Tester
8. Marten Wijaya Putra (452) - 2D Art
9. Muhammad Akbar Fauzi (243) - 2D art
10. Luthfi Alfikri (144) -2D Art
Mentor ID & Nama Mentor
41 - Fikry Abdullah Aziz
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