This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-07-09 17:00:00 to 2021-07-12 18:30:00. View 6 entries

Welcome to the Summer Dev Jam 2020 which is being hosted by Dundalk Institute of Technology. To take a bit of chill from what has been a very challenging year for developers, students, teachers and all walks of life, why not come and take part in our jam! Open to all roles and disciplines such as coders, producers, artists and audio producers.

Discord Jam Link:


A theme will be announced at the start of the jam.

You have to use a game engine, so that non programmer also have a fair chance.(Unity, Unreal, Godot, p5 etc.)

Use of assets is allowed but only if they are licensed and permitted to do so. 

You're allowed and encouraged to work in teams. 

Your entry must be clean and non offensive.

Have Fun!!


All submissions
Windows (5)

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Discover the bleak truth of the floral mine shaft in this dark and atmoshperic action platformer.
A very atmospheric game, you need to find your way out of the old hotel!
Made in "Summer Dev Jam 2020" hosted by Dundalk Institute of Technology.