Submissions open from 2025-03-02 18:00:00 to 2025-03-31 01:55:56
Submissions due in

Sunday Zine Club is a zine jam. You will have four weeks to create a zine based on the theme. How you define “zine” is completely up to you. This jam is purposely broad in order to welcome a wide variety of zinemakers. Your zine can be digital or analogue, tiny or giant, visual or written, hand-drawn or typed, colourful or black+white.

This jam was inspired by my own project of making a zine every week for an entire year. That was in 2015, but I return to the practice—in modified forms—again and again. Currently, I make a zine live on a YouTube stream every other Sunday morning. 

I want you to make a zine, too.


  • The jam will begin on Sunday, March 2, 10am Pacific Time. 
  • You will have four weeks to create and submit your zine. 
  • The jam will end on Sunday, March 30, 10am Pacific Time. 


  • The zine must be created during the time of the jam. You may use resources, such as photographs or clipart, and the zine can be inspired by previous writing, but in the spirit of a jam, the zine must be created during the four week period. Multiple submissions are allowed.
  • Your zine should be downloadable and available for all of us to appreciate your work. 
  • Please use content warnings where necessary. No hate speech.
  • This is not a rated jam. But the community is encouraged to read each other’s work and leave ratings and comments. 


The theme for Sunday Zine Club #8 is GREEN. Feel free to interpret this prompt using whatever definition you like.