This was a really enjoyable visual novel i enjoyed the characters even though i wish there was a tiny bit more depth to them and the art is amazing for a free download project most of the time i come into these expecting more words compared to anything else and with this it was a nice surprise as far as the writing goes I only had one problem which may be cleared up in the future and please stop reading here if you don't want any spoilers and this may just be a problem with my comprehension but i was extremely confused on how we survived when we passed out at the door after dropping down when outside on the hull of the ship like we pass out and then its like we just had a bad dream and its not really touched on did we do it yourself did our instincts take over and carry us out how did we get back after seemingly blacking out i even went back to reread and it really wasn't cleared up like did we die out there and fail it was abit confusing but i really enjoyed this game and i think its amazing and im surprised to see the future of it
soooo good i cant wait ive never been so impatient for a game before