This game's main idea was good, but there were some problems with the execution.
The art looks pretty good, I like the goofy art style, but the enemies needed a bit more variety in their look (especially the orange and red enemies, i always got confused between them). The sound and music were ok. The gameplay was good as well, but it was brought down by the main problem i found with this game, the bugs.
First, i felt the wall jumping mechanic was actually worse for the game, it was inconsistent (worked for some walls and not for others) and it made most of the puzzles easy to skip and the yellow enemy especially seemed useless. another bug was that when you switch to a different character your current character stops and gets stuck if he was in the air.
But definitely the worst bug was with the colliders. There were random invisible colliders everywhere in the level that my syringes would hit in mid air. This made the game (especially the last level) almost impossible to beat unless you get lucky. The enemy colliders were weird as well, and that made the blue enemy pretty useless since most of his shots would just hit his own collider (or one of the random invisible ones).
In the end, the game just needed some extra bug fixing time and it would've been a lot better. Good luck with the jam.
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