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KTPie rated a techpack 2 years ago
A downloadable techpack.
dungeondream rated a game tech 2 years ago
A downloadable game tech.
Kishershorbot rated a techpack 2 years ago
A downloadable techpack.
Guilherme Gontijo rated a tech pack 3 years ago
A downloadable tech pack.

I've just played your game. It's not everyday that I play a 12 minute wargame session. Really skirmish and really fun. There are some details I would like to suggest from my experience, but if you think it's all non constructive criticism, please ignore it all. 

1. I think the order of the phases is sabotaging the strategy spirit of the game. You are attracted before you can give any order. In my game I just adopted it to the follow queue

🔸 Enemy move

🔸 Player move

🔸 Player order

🔸 Resolution 

It's really not necessary to a enemy attack phase to exist, cause it is a natural answer to the zone they moved into. Clash happens whenever an enemy enters a zone that has a player's unit in it. Also, this new queue gives the player some thinking to do. They see where the enemy untis moved to and now they must choose what units they'll move and what orders will be made. 

2. Speaking of orders, I didn't get the "amount of orders"  rule.  2 orders means you can roll two dice? What result do I consider in the end of the rolling? What if one result asks me to hold and the other to strike? In my house rule I assumed the Player had the power to choose which result that would prevail and the other die came back to be used on the next order phase. 

I really loved your game. Pretty cool. 

Kerem Madran published a tech 3 years ago
A downloadable tech.
Use this initiative style for all kinds of physical kerfuffles; from outright fights to McGuffin-involving capture-the-flag competitions. Its main purpose is eliminating that “This other character did this thing that was so important for...
FarSniper published a |E�] 3 years ago
A downloadable |E�].
Jason Tocci rated a techpack 3 years ago
A downloadable techpack.
N.L. Morrison rated a techpack 3 years ago
A downloadable techpack.
emmy published a tech pack 3 years ago
A downloadable tech pack.
Island Guard tactics is a solo micro-wargame that takes only a couple of minutes to play. This document is made so you can try out the base system, and possibly in the future create something based on it. Game Materials: • 52 Card deck...
A downloadable project.

Really interesting and great design food for thought!

Randy Lubin published a project 3 years ago
A downloadable project.
A look at ways to apply nontransitive resolution (e.g. Rock, Paper, Scissors) to storytelling games. Released as part of .
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