This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-01 03:00:00 to 2024-03-31 03:00:00.
Hello! This is the ASCII-Demake Game Jam.
Have you ever said "Graphics aren't everything!" when it comes to a video game?
Well, now is your chance to show the world the truth of that statement!
The point of this Game Jam is simple: Take an already existing game, like say, Super Mario Brothers, or Sonic the Hedgehog, or Halo, and demake it by using only ASCII characters for the graphics and nothing else. Any already existing game, of any year, released on any platform is okay.
The Game Jam will begin on the first of March, and end on the 31st of March.
The objective of this Game Jam is to challenge oneself with the most limited graphics possible. To push oneself to their very limits by intentionally giving oneself a handicap.
The rules of the Game Jam are simple:
1) The graphics of the game you make must consist entirely of ASCII characters and nothing else.
2) The game you make must be a demake of an already existing game. (As long as the original game didn't use ASCII graphics first, like the original Rogue, for example)
Anyone can participate, be it a lone developer or a whole team, as long as the two rules are followed. The rules only affect the graphics, but not the sound. If you want to give your game an array of modern sound effects and an orchestral background music, go right ahead.
All game engines are allowed.
Any demake of any already existing game is allowed as well. If you already made a game, and would like to just demake it using ASCII graphics, then that's allowed too. (Games that are NSFW should have a warning in the description or when the game first loads up.