This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-01 08:00:00 to 2024-03-04 08:00:00. View results


A game jam is a short event where you and other students build a small game from scratch. Some focus on a specific theme or have time limits ranging from a week to a single day! The most important part about them, though, is that game jams are a way to test the waters, explore ideas, and develop your skills. If this is your first time making a game, this event is for you!


The theme is OPPOSITES

Don’t constrict your ideas to the literal definition. Be creative, be inspired, and hey, maybe bend the definition even just a tiny bit. If it aligns, then it works just fine. We incentivize and suggest the theme however, it is not completely mandatory.


  • Teams cannot exceed 4 members. You’re free to fly solo, too!
  • The submitter must be attending San Francisco State University as a student to be eligible for judging/feedback/full participation. 
    • Other members of the team can be students from another school (and should be credited accordingly) but do mention it! 
    • Students from other schools can submit (and do clarify if you are one), but the event is mostly geared towards SFSU students.
  • Keep it PG-13.
  • No AI generated content.
    • You’re free to use non-commercial assets but try to build your own stuff. Game jams are for creating and learning from it!
    • Don’t forget to credit.
  • If you feel that you’re breaking the rules, you may be breaking the rules. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification.


  • You can use any game engine/framework/language. The only requirement is that the build must be able to run on Windows and Mac and/or webGL.
    • It must be posted on
  •  Submit your game, even if you’re a few hours late. We’ll provide a link for late submissions. 
  • Credit where credit is due! List your teammates (if you aren’t flying solo) and the assets you’ve used. Don’t forget to credit yourself, as well! Please list your name and SFSU email (or your school if you're attending a different one) or the submission will not be accepted.

Follow the video below on how to submit!

Voting Criteria

Although there are 5 categories, we encourage people to shoot for three of them. No need to go for all 5, but if you're up for the challenge, go for it!


How well does it tie in with the theme? Is it unique? 


How playable is the game in terms of function? Are there any major glitches? Bugs?


How appropriate is the art to the game? Does it enhance the gameplay? Teams with original assets will score high in this category!


How appropriate are the music and sounds to the game? Does it enhance the gameplay? Teams with original assets will score high in this category!


Is the game replayable? Enjoyable? What can be taken away from the experience?


    • Join the Discord!
    • Pick and establish teams in #team-meetup.
    • Introduce yourself or find new members in #member-recruitment.
    • Get ready to create


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Fight bush fires
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A short platformer involving water and lava.
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Succeed or Fail?
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Small Puzzle game with a twist where you solve puzzles as a cat
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Submitted for the SFSU Game Jam 2024 March
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Play as the game!
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