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A browser game made in HTML5.
A game file that showcases my mapping and eventing without plugins. Once finished, the Editor File will be uploaded as well for those that just want to look at the maps and events rather than see how they go together. Updates to the game wi...
A browser game made in HTML5.
Player 1 controller (not disturbing) move:WASD Fire : e , f , ctrl, space (only keyboard else (Score 0) at dark ship) Player 2 controller (ps/gamepad) move:keyboard Arrows Fire x Btn 1: enter (->Score2) can use Joystick alone Fun ? 2 Player...
maxi.dev29 published a game 331 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Epic Shoter: v 0.001 controles: movimiento: w : arriba a : izquierda s : abajo d : derecha disparo: mouse: click izquierdo para disparar historia: Sos un agente del gobierno y te contrataron para exterminar a los criminales.
+UltraInt published a game 2 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.

On Quest to Defeat the Evil Wizard with Your Trusty Pet Slime