This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-05-12 22:00:00 to 2022-05-31 22:00:00. View results
Who I Am:
Wanderjahre Games is a game writing and analysis twitch stream and Jam series hosted and run by Cathardigan (or Dylan, as everyone else knows him). Cathardigan (who is me/Dylan/Wanderjahre. I'm typing this right now.) Is a published fiction writer, having landed short stories in prestigious literary magazines such as Fiction International, Hobart Pulp, Juked, Whiskey Paper, Driftwood Press, and Alcyone. He has completed two novels, one of which was very bad and written in highschool, the second is much better and was his Master's Thesis at Southern Illinois University. He (I) knows a great deal about fiction. Its structure, cadence, and why a piece of fiction is moving. He also knows a great deal about games and their history. It is his (my) dream to be a game writer, and to make writing and narratives in games better, so what better way than to help those single or small development teams! Submit your games to my jam, get free narrative feedback, deal? Deal.
The jam will be ranked by the community. At the end of the voting period, the top ten games will be played and streamed by me (Cathardigan/WanderJahre/Dylan) over on the day after voting ends.
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Artist Credit:
Wanderjahre wants games featuring great narratives.
This jam is open to games playable on desktop, browser, and Gameboy (if you can lend me an emulator). The top ten game as voted by the community will be streamed on Twitch, so factor that into your design if necessary! The community's ten finalist games will be streamed on the official Wanderjahre Games Twitch channel after the voting period has ended. The Wanderjahre Games team (Dylan, me, Cathardigan) will serve as the finalist judge and analyze the narrative structure of the community's top ten favorites.
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What do I mean by this? Well, the theme of this Jam is "Finish it." Meaning, finish that project you started and forgot about...or ran out of time...or decided to do something else...whatever the reason may be! But it ought to be that project that you thought "One day, I'll go back and finish that."
This jam is not restricted to games. They can be any form of digital media. All I mean by digital media is that which is not simply a print fiction story. If you have a short story written in PowerPoint, that's fine. Just no bog-standard Word Doc with characters and scenes and stuff. Got an audio project? Submit that! Got a narrative video series? Submit that! Games, of course, will be happily accepted.
The Restriction(s): STORY
We are a narrative game jam/stream. We want to talk about the Narrative merit of video games. If you're project was simply a test demo of a mechanic you thought was cool, that's great! But not for us. If you want to submit a finished version of that cool test demo, you have to figure out how to jam a story in there.
Don't know where to start a story? Look no further than our Discord (Link at the bottom) or YouTube/Twitch (Links everywhere). I explain how to write stories all the time in all my videos.
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As soon as the Jam ends, the voting begins! Everyone will have one week to play each game, vote on them individually, so as to determine a "winner" in the various categories. Each game will be voted on in the following categories (in no particular order):
The four highest voted games from Most Compelling Narrative as well as the two highest voted game from the following categories will be qualify as our ten finalists.
After Joining the Jam:
Come over to our Discord, watch our Twitch stream, and catch up on old Twitch streams on our YouTube channel! We'll be discussing submissions and finalists all the while. So, come say hi!
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