This jam is now over. It ran from 2017-07-10 07:00:00 to 2017-07-16 16:00:00. View results

The Health Jam is primarily being run in Johannesburg, South Africa, where participants will be focusing on making games, or building their own game-related skills or portfolios on site. 

We aim to create an environment which facilitates this process in as healthy a way as possible. Game Jams promote crunch culture, which is an industry-wide affliction. The Health Jam is about creating a new jam culture that is one part detox, one part holiday camp and two parts fun. We want to learn and teach healthy practices related to game development and life in general, which will hopefully aid in participants' future projects and the industry's general well-being.

While most of the program will be centred around the participants at the jam site, we are opening up submissions for anyone who wishes to partake from anywhere in the world. Of course, we cannot monitor you, but we encourage you to jam as healthily as possible for the week. Get enough sleep. Eat properly. Cut down on caffeine. And most importantly: DO NOT CRUNCH. Take the week to make a small game or experiment, but keep it small. This isn't about impressing anyone but yourself. 
If you're happy, we're happy.

Follow us on Twitter @HealthJamZA for updates on the jam throughout the week.