This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-05-18 11:00:00 to 2020-05-25 22:00:00. View results

Hey there Gamers and Devs. We are Indie Games Lab. 

Here's a visual of what our jam runs like:

We are a two man team of game developers and we would love to see what the community can create. 

Feel free to ask any questions on our Discord (link below) if you get stuck or if you want to join a team check out team up section there!

All the games will be played on our Twitch, then uploaded to our Youtube, so look out for that when the jam ends! 

IMPORTANT: All games MUST be created within the jams timeline otherwise they will be deleted!

Don't forget that has a desktop app, it makes downloading peoples games much easier!

Death is only the beginning

Winning games will receive:
  • A role on our Discord
  • Your game will be featured on our website
  • Your game will also be showcased on our socials


  • No NSFW
  • No hateful content
  • Make sure all work is your own, or credited otherwise
  • If you enter the jam, we would like you to rate other peoples games fairly and constructively
  • All games MUST be created within the jams timeline otherwise they will be deleted!
  • Have fun!

Your game will be judged on the following categories:

  1. The usage of the given theme
  2. How easy or intuitive the controls are
  3. The visuals of the game (Is it appealing)
  4. The audio of the game (Is the music volume balanced? Can you adjust the volumes if they're too loud?)
  5. The overall enjoyment (Did it feel fun? Did it feel like it had heart put into it?)

Click the icons!

    Unreal Engine     Unity     Godot     Construct     Game Maker Studio

Click the icons!


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Browser playable (2)
Windows (4)

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... not just another game where you kill people...
Interactive Fiction
A nightmare you only escape by dying...
Can you beat the poison running through your veins?
Play in browser
Fight against endless hordes of undead vikings to be reborn again!
Play in browser
Entry to 'The Indie Game Labs Jam #5' with theme 'Death is Just the Beginning'