This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-01-23 05:00:00 to 2021-02-07 04:59:59. View results

Welcome to the Jam that Couldn't Jam! In this Jam, you are tasked with making a game that isn't quite right.

I don't mean intentional bugs. Thats been done before. I mean your game has to have a mechanic missing, replaced by a mechanic it shouldnt have. 

For example, a platformer where you cant jump, but can change when you are in time.

 Your mechanic cant be messing with controls, I.E making the left key go right, and vice versa. You have to implement a new mechanic entirely.

Other then that, just use common sense.

Good luck!

Note: The start date has been delayed by 2 weeks, for various reasons. All dates have been adjusted, including voting end date.


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A first person shooter with no bullets, just real estate!
a early beta for the game jam that could not jam, game jam
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Solve puzzles by reassembling the robot you play as in different builds.
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