This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-12-09 19:30:00 to 2022-01-14 05:30:00. View results


UPDATE: My college has pushed back my semester starting week to January 18th, so as a late charismas gift, I will give some extra time finish up your project. Voting will end at the same time, but you now have more room to submit a project. Make sure to play and vote when voting starts!!!

We have our theme. Only One Enemy. I had to move the starting time earlier because I have work at 5:00. So much fun lol. Anyways, you have one month to complete a game with this theme. Lets get started!!!

Have you been in a game jam before? Do you suck at finishing a game before the deadline? Do you have commitment issues?  Well that's completely fine! My club is hosting its first ever game jam to help you become a better game maker. You have one whole month to make a game using the theme voted by my club members. Some things to keep in mind when participating in this jam are:

- Manage your time properly. Take an hour or two out of your day to work on your game. Any progress brings you closer to finishing your game.

- Don't implement too many features in your game. feature creep is a sure fire way to kill your game.

- Use a game engine you're familiar with. The more you know about a game engine, the faster you can make your game. Familiarity always helps.

- Make a short game. A month might seem like a lot of time, but we all have lives, it is the charismas season after all. We can only get so much done in one day and some people might not have too much experience in making games. To relieve a lot of stress, make a short game that won't take time out of other important aspects in your life.

- Be creative. Game jams are short and only require your time and how you use it. With only time to loose, you can use the theme to your advantage and make something no one else but you can come up with for a game idea. If it doesn't turn out well, at least you've gained knowledge of what to do next time.

-  Have fun. It's easy to stress about making a game when there's a deadline, and while we are voting to decide what game did the best, it is important to remember that you should have fun doing this. At the end of the day, we're just here to make video games, so why not have fun with it.

The theme of the game jam will be announced on December 9th, 5:00pm EST.

Once submissions end you have one day to play and review the games. You cannot review yourself. Best of luck!!!

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Fight against an alien invasion and save the world
Made for The Video Game Development Club's 1st Game Jam!!!
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