This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-03-28 14:31:00 to 2021-03-28 13:31:00. View results


This is for people that want to work on a big game but keep on not finishing games. This jam is also for people that want to do a game jam but get pressured by the short or strict deadlines. As you can tell this jam will last a whole year once it starts. There's really not much to be said.

The theme is:

The opposite of a mechanic


-No nsfw games

-No profanity or cursing

-No racism, sexism and others like that

-Don't even think you will get away with uploading a game that wasn't made for the jam

Need ideas for the theme

Here are some examples!

A top down shooter where damaging enemies damages you.

A platformer where power ups make your character worse then better

An rpg where your party members help the enemies and not you.


All submissions
Browser playable (2)
Windows (8)
macOS (7)
Linux (4)
Android (2)

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Weave through lava slimes to make it to the end portal. Tap WASD to move. Try to beat your high score.
4K textures were necessary. We appreciate your patience in the loading screen.
Never Trust your Ear
Expulsarás los monstruos que invadieron tu país respondiendo preguntas en este juego 2D.
Fly a jet while avoiding obsticles and collecting power-ups.
Enjoy the christmas!
Play in browser
Physics-based runner adventure in wich you have a jetpack that is not so easy to maneuver to help you.
The App Coded By Your Holy Armchair