This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-03-12 08:00:00 to 2022-03-14 06:59:59. View results

Heading up!

The Great Testing jam is a game jam where you have two days to test out an idea and make a bear bones prototype of said idea, which could then be transformed into a full fledged game. The main rules of the jam are that you have to use bear bones assets, and you have to mainly focus on the gameplay itself, not the graphics or the UI, just making a fun game. 

I am starting this jam because time and time again, I have come up with an idea for a game, made a crazy, good graphics prototype, and then its not fun. And in the wise words of Reggie, if it's not fun, why bother?

Now, what do bear bones graphics mean? Just think of the graphics you would use for a prototype of a game. What counts as "Bear Bones"? For 2D games, bear bones would count as solid colors or a couple of shapes put together. For 3D, bare bones also counts as that, but you can also use very simple 3D models. 

And even if you did take the time to make good graphics, the games aren't being judged on graphics. They are being judged on how fun the gameplay is, how interesting is the idea is, what makes it special, and how well it delivers on what it sets out to do.

I should note that if your game demands graphics, such as making a little drawing to represent something, feel free to do so.


Teams are allowed.

No NSFW or gore (pretty hard to do with limited graphics)

gameplay must be the main focus, not graphics

Have fun, and try your best to make something fun!

Good luck!


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Rocket Game with Bone Graphics
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Created for a gamejam