You step away from your companions, drawn to the middle of the pedestrian bridge. A deep breath... then the symphony of traffic below envelops you. You enter a trance and stare into the ever-shifting dance of vehicles and pedestrians. Amids...
Miniature Millinery contains four unique pieces of headwear for use is your Mosaic Strict game (or any other system really). This series of items was created for the Tiny Library Mosaic game jam (Modern Fantasy)
This is a MOSAIC STRICT ttrpg fragment initially created for the Tiny Library Mosaic game jam (Modern Fantasy). You can check out the game jam here ! Included are two images sized for the front and back of a bridge card. It is playable in i...
You've heard tell of an ice cream truck that circles the land. You chalked it up to folklore until now, when you hear the unmistakable chimes of a song that fills you with nostalgia but is completely unknown to you. As if willed to do so, y...
pure artwork (business-card sized) created for the Tiny Library: Modern Fantasy jam drawn using Clip Studio Paint image description: [FRONT] an old woman sits along the side of a road next to a cardboard box and a sign that reads "FREE to g...
Walk into any drinking establishment of your choice and there’s probably something magical going on. Roll 1d12 to find out what it is. If there’s nothing magical... why is that? Designed under the MOSAIC Strict philosophy - not a standa...
This is a MOSAIC STRICT ttrpg fragment initially created for the Tiny Library Mosaic game jam (Modern Fantasy). You can check out the game jam here ! Included are two images sized for the front and back of a bridge card. It is fully playabl...
Long sick and tired of having to carry your own stuff, you reach out to the local college to offer credit in exchange for an internship. Each intern comes with a unique negative, but they all come with the same benefits: they'll carry as mu...