This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-02-23 19:30:00 to 2024-03-04 19:30:00. View results
ToBuJam returns! Welcome to edition #2. In this game jam, you get to make a game following a specific theme in 10 days. It is a great opportunity to challenge yourself, learn new skills, meet creative and awesome people.
At the end of the jam, you will have one week to play and rate other games and your game will also be rated by other participants.
The Theme is GROW
We will stream the start of the jam with theme announcement and the end of the jam with live feedback to your games.
We will also stream on other days and you are welcome to join us and brainstorm/chill with us while we make our game. See you there!
Share your progress using the #tobujam hashtag on Twitter / X.
Join us on Discord to meet up with plenty talented game makers of the community. There are dedicated channels over there to promote your works and ask for a team mate.
Talented friend of the community, Goldshoe Games will give one free Sanguinite Steam key to the overall winner of the jam.
+ Some other perks that we will reveal later in the jam.
Anything and everything.
Only games that are made during the jam will be accepted for vote. Games that are submitted to other jams and/or made in another timeline will not be ranked.
Following a community vote, the entries will be ranked according to:
Is the Theme mandatory?
Yes. It is a great opportunity to unleash your creativity and challenge yourself.
We will play all jam entries on Tobugis Twitch and give our feedback live. Always giving priority to developers present in chat.
We love playing and chatting with developers. If you are not present on stream and we can not communicate with you, your games will not be played for a very long duration. But you can always watch the vod later to see our feedback and gameplay.
We reserve the right to skip an entry if it's obviously built in order to disturb the stream, the jam or the community.
No. If you need it, feel free to use copyright free assets, or assets you own the rights to.
Just inform us about what you used in your game entry so we know to not rate your game based on that.
Also, teams are allowed. So consider joining a team by asking on Discord to share the load of work.
Yes, but most people like to know when and why an AI has been used during a jam so let everyone know about it on your submission page.
We are so excited for the 2nd edition of TobuJam. Can not wait for all the creativity and fun we will all have together.
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