Scales of a beast, Scales from a blacksmith, Scaling the peaks - A theme that spans all sizes, can you balance the scales with a small project?
Touhou Project (commonly known just as "Touhou") is a widely-beloved series of 2D bullet hell (or "danmaku") games originating from Japan. Chances are that, whoever you are, you've seen it around or come across one of its many fan creations. This is because Touhou's creator, ZUN, has an extremely permissive policy towards derivative works; filling the fandom to the brim with creators making both hobby and commercial works that use the games' settings and characters. We take advantage of this several times a year by inviting all of those creators, old and new, to join us in a contest to make games featuring the Touhou Universe in some way, within a limited span of time. Both veterans and newcomers to game development or Touhou are welcome to join.
For those unfamiliar, a game jam is a contest where participants are given a "theme" to work with, then create a game based around that theme in a short time period (usually a few days). All skill levels and areas of expertise are welcome, and members can work either in teams or individually to submit a game by the deadline.
After jam entries are submitted, there is a ratings period (usually two weeks) in which anyone may play and rate the games. Winners will then be announced based on these ratings for each category: Overall, Gameplay, Concept, Visuals, Audio/Music, Story/Writing, Balance (Challenge and Fairness), and Use of Theme.
Our Discord Server (Touhou Game Dev) - A Touhou-centric gamedev hub where you can discuss and show off Touhou fangames. We have channels for team-forming, discussion of the jam games, and for non-jam discussion of Touhou and other game development. We highly recommend you join this server if you'd like to participate (especially if you need a team!)
Touhou Game Jam Twitter - Updates and information on when our Jams and rating periods occur. Follow us to help spread the jam!
Touhou Explained in Less than 2 Minutes - A quick crash course on Touhou and its world in a bit more detail, as well as why it appeals to so many of us.
Our Game Jam FAQ - For more details about the jam process and how to make the most of your time.
How to participate and submit a game:
We've hosted several community jams since 2018! In addition to our other community events, you can check out our past events: ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 as well as our sideline jams, (9)-Jam, PrideJam2, PrideJam3, PrideJam4, PrideJam5, PrideJam6, Touhou Station, Touhou Station 2, Touhou Station 3, Touhou Station 4 )
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