This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-07-13 14:00:00 to 2023-07-16 15:30:00. View results

- What is the Jam about ? -

This Jam for those who always loved video game town musics, and those who want to put their creativity and skills on test! Make a video game town music that fits one of the 3 themes revealed at the beginning of the Jam, in only 72 hours.

- Links -

Discord Server:

Town Music Theory Doc:


1rst place: Selkione - Diplodotown

2nd place: Jackachulian - bounce city

3rd place: RoHISakk - Flip over the Pinball City


1rst Composition: Selkione - Diplodotown

1rst Quality: Blue Lava - Prehistoric Outpost

1rst Creativity: Blue Lava - Prehistoric Outpost

1rst Correlation to theme: Selkione - Diplodotown

1rst Did you imagine the town: Selkione - Diplodotown



1. Selkione - Diplodotown

2. Zack Frank Music - Down to Dino-Town

3. Da4RealDeal - The Land That Time Misplaced


1. Jessica Claire - The Springs of Keldecil

2. Nick Schuitemaker - Hot, Wet and Happy

3. Team Puzzle Games - Hot Springs Town


1. Jackachulian - bounce city

2. RoHISakk - Flip over the Pinball City

3. Sandro Wainmaier - Pinball City Park

- Themes -

The 3 themes are:

Hot Spring Town

Compose up to 3 songs that would fit a town centered about hot springs. It can be a very cozy song or a more festive one, you can even use watery kind of sounds, be creative!


Dinosaur Town

The mandatory animal/other lifeforms type of town each TMJ have. This one can be tackled in a lot of different ways. You could go for a very ancien vibe or epic one, be creative!


Pinball City

A futuristic city shaped by the use of pinballs. You could make a techno or chiptune song for this one, or anything you want if you can explain your choices! you could even use pinballs sounds, be creative!

Theses are the 3 themes, you have to compose up to 3 songs that would fit one of these themes! Good luck and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them on the community board or on the discord server!

- Rules: -

  1. Make a maximum of 3 songs (you could make some for indoors, like a shopkeeper theme or else)
  2. You can use any DAW you want, and any music style you want
  3. No length limit, but try not to make 30+ minutes song please xD
  4. Your song has to fit one of the 3 themes (revealed at the beginning of the Jam)
  5. It is recommended to submit your song on a streaming service (preferably Soundcloud or Youtube) but you can submit .mp3, .wav or .flac.
  6. You can be in a team, no number restriction 
  7. that's all,  have fun!

- Rating: -

At the end of the Jam, you will be able to rate other people songs and people will be able rate your's! This period last 5 days so don't hesitate to come by!

You'll be able to rate song by using these criteria: 

  • Composition: Does it have a good melody, chords, catchiness, cohesion, ect...
  • Creativity: Did the songs seemed overall unique, did the composer(s) try to approach the theme in an interesting way? to innovate? ect..
  • Quality: Mixing/mastering, are the instruments used appropriate ? ect...
  • Did you imagine the town ? This one is pretty special. Did the song(s) made you imagine a coherent and fonctional town? Do you feel like you are in the town just by listening to the song ? ect..
  • Correlation to theme: To which degree does it fit one of the 3 themes ?

- Questions -

If you have questions don't hesitate to do it on the community board or on the Discord server.

- Prizes:- 

nope, no prize for the winners, only joy!


All submissions
Browser playable (1)
Dinosaur Town (9)
Hot Spring Town (13)
Pinball City (12)

No submissions match your filter

MIDI orchestra music for Town Music Jam #3
A short piece of music for the 3rd Town Music Jam.
A Dinosaur Village theme song.
Town Jam 3 - Hot Spring town
Album of the Town musics made during the Town Music Jams
Cozy submissions to the Town Music Jams.
Written for TheSnowly's Town Music Jam #3
Day, Dusk, and Night themes for a Dinosaur Town
All of the music projects I make for Jams
Introducing Pinball City, the place where it's all happening.
Nice soothing music to the ears!
Sountrack made for Town Music Jam #3
A jazzy loop for a relax soak in the tub
Town music for a fictional hot springs town called Boiling Valley
submission for town music jam #3
For the Town Music Jam 3, July 2023
Theme of Dinosaur Bastion, the last refuge for those that survived the Dinopocalypse.
My Submission for TheSnowly's Town Music Jam #3
Pinball City music. Made for the Town Music Jam #3
A song made for Town Music Jam #3.
A glimpse into another world - TheSnowly's TMJ #3
Laid-back dino funk
Submission for "Town Music Jam #3)