This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-05-01 07:00:00 to 2021-05-06 07:00:00. View results
Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Toybox Jam! This is a game jam for toybox building related games, typically aimed for children. An example is my game, Plastix. Features of games submitted should be bright, colorful objects, an upbeat soundtrack (which you don't have to make, but you could) and building tools such as colors, blocks, and maybe textures.
This is the very first Toybox jam, and here are the rules.
1. You must only start making the game when the jam starts.
2. Follow all of's rules, and no NSFW things.
3. The game must be suitable for all ages.
The winner of this jam will receive... umm... this material. A cool brick texture with reflective seams.
1st place gets a golden one.
2nd place gets this one.
3rd place gets a green one.
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