This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-11 19:30:00 to 2024-10-20 19:30:00. View 40 entries
maybe you never realized you could make just the sandbox part of your sandbox game. perhaps you want to make art creation easier for yourself and others. maybe you want to offer a multimedia experience that anyone can enjoy, not just gamers. if you are any of these people, you might like this 9-day gameless jam where we get together to make toys, not games.
after the end of the jam, Ivy Sly will post a video showcasing all SFW entries that follow the rules. there will be no winners or losers.
a toy is a tool for play. it is a means, not an end.
the term "toy" can be defined by its relationship to puzzles and games: while a puzzle has 1. a win condition and 2. no loss condition, and a game has 1. a loss condition and 2. sometimes a win condition, a toy can neither be won nor lost. it can't be played, only played with. this is an important restriction of toy jam relevant to game developers. the primary mode of play will not have a win or loss condition.
toys are not always mindless nor are they always shallow. for one, all forms of creative expression necessarily involve play. studio art software - photoshop, blender, davinci resolve, etc - would all be allowed in this jam, though people will probably like your toy more if it has a lower skill floor.
here are some ideas that would be valid entries:
and this is a list of existing toys that would be valid entries:
if you have any questions, please make a thread or follow the above link to the discord server :) i hope to see your entry!
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