This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-07-03 05:23:04 to 2024-08-03 04:00:00. View 9 entries

Welcome to the yearly Trans Wrath Jam!

In this game jam, your objective is to create something that is trans as h*** (heck) using the power of Trans Wrath to celebrate Trans Wrath Month!

There are no rules on genre or topic OTHER THAN it is REQUIRED for all submitters to be trans and/or gender nonconforming.

Wrath doesn't always mean pure rage and vengeance also. Wrath can be raging inside, using the pain we feel from the harm done to trans people to fuel us to enact change and lead the world to a better place. Wrath also can mean defiance against the system, actively avoiding and suppressing white supremacist and hetero-normative tenets of our country. It can mean anything YOU want it to be!

Your games can be tabletop games OR digital games. Anything that gets your mind in the realm of game design is all that matters to me!   

IMPORTANT: Please submit products that were made only while this game jam was active. This is a chance to exercise your creative skills AND get your game out there, not just one or the other! ALSO, NO AI ART OR WRITING IS ALLOWED! Also, Under no circumstances are people who submit games with bigoted tones, ideologies, or dogwhistles allowed in this game jam. If your work is bigoted in any way, it can and will be rejected for submission. You have no place in my community, and please do not play my games at your tables. Also, please no NSFW submissions (you know what I mean by that).   

Have fun, and may the wrath flow through you!


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realistic neovagina dilation action
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A solo journaling RPG about dying and playing the hand you're dealt.
There are only 6 pieces in chess
Role Playing
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Trans paladins battling against an opponent who wields dysphoria and transphobia as tools.