This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-02-07 10:00:00 to 2020-02-10 10:00:00. View results

The THEME is: Evil is More Fun 

Voting results are here

Please try to submit either a Linux or browser playable version! And leave your Twitter, IG or Twitch usernames, so we can reach out just in case. 

What is TriJam?

TriJam is a jam where your goal is to try and make something playable (and fun) in only 3 hours! How is that even possible, you ask? Well, just look at the history of previous TriJams and we're sure you'll be convinced that it is not only possible, but very manageable! 

What are the rules?

Pretty much do whatever you want! The time for coming up with an idea, making a design doc, compiling the game and publishing it etc. does not count in the 3 hours you have, that time is purely for development of the product. You can also split your 3 hours into whatever chunks you want, so it doesn't need to be 3 hours straight, e.g. you can take 2 days working on your game, working on it 1 and a half hours each day. If your game took longer than 3 hours to make, that is completely fine, just specify so in the game's description. It will still be played, but will not compete for 1st place in the jam.

Of course, have common sense when making your games. Making intentionally offensive stuff is a no go and will most likely be voted out of the competition. Also, please specify if your game is NSFW so that we don't get in trouble for streaming it.

On using pre-made assets: make sure you have the necessary rights to the assets you use in your game. Be aware that that using assets that you yourself (or your team member) didn't create during the jam time may affect your game's rating.


The theme is chosen by the community by a strawpoll. 

You are free to interpret the theme how ever you want!

Optional challenges

 Optional challenges you can complete for boasting rights.

This week:

  1. Use Godot Engine (download here);
  2. Share the source code of your project;
  3. Use assets from Asset Jam;
  4. Make a game based around speed;
  5. Make a game with as little code as possible.

Playtesting & voting

RocknightStudios will livestream playtesting your games on Wednesday following the jam. Voting ends on Wednesday also.

P.S. We  have a community run Trijam discord and there is a community created Trijam subreddit !


Godot users can check out Game Template made by Nezvers. There is all necessary stuff taken care for Godot users not to worry about creating most boring and tedious work.

History of Trijam winners 2020:

Trijam 55 - Nezvers

Trijam 54 - Gunnar Clovis

Trijam 53 - Jimmy Schubert

Trijam 52 - Flod-Gamedev

Trijam 51 - KatieLG


All submissions
Browser playable (6)
Windows (1)

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You run over people. Also there's police chasing you.
Play in browser
It's like GoL, but the goal is to avoid Life
Play in browser
You're a dragon. Knights want your gold.
Play in browser
Open-source prototype made in 3 HOURS for Trijam #56
Play in browser
Let's drop bombs on the village everyone!
Game made for 3 hour game jam
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What's more fun, sunny plains or Hell?!
Play in browser