Sil Var Da Ga presents micro-cosmology for tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs), featuring a unique celestial arrangement that influences the game world. This setting offers a backdrop for storytelling, with each moon exerting its own disti...
This is a system-agnostic d20 table that will work in any TTRPG. It is useful when players encounter a door, and you want to come up with an interesting reason why they can't open it. Maybe it's made of magma, maybe it moves whenever someon...
Created for the ttRPG JAMuary game jam, this is a post-apocalyptic setting where nanobots have taken over the larger cities and the humans are trying to live in off-the-grid settlements. This game uses Caltrop Core by Titanomachy. Also incl...
A camp of bones. A hoot of pennibs. A slarping of monologues. This is a one-page micro-ttrpg system inspired by Roots, Roll for Shoes, and the Pikmin games! Use this system for little puzzles, dungeons, pvp, etc. Curate your powers and weak...
Magick is a powerful resource to all present ways of life. Though what we know as magick today pales in comparison to the old Sorceries of antiquity; magicks that crafted our very realm and ended others. And now, through maddening cults and...
Created for the 24-word RPG Jam ! Inspired by playing Tenzi with my baby cousins, BARFIGHT! is a game you can play with mathematic skill or by gambling on luck. You can use this game to beat up your friends (or enemies) with this as the onl...