Fun! Love the color scheme too!
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--Author: Jhu x,y,t,u,d=120,65,0,0,0 b,e={},{} function TIC() t=t+1 u=u+1 if u/59>1 then table.insert(b,{120,-28,12,t}) table.insert(e,{math.random(0,240),-170,30+d,t}) u=0 d=d+2 end cls() for p=1,#b do for i=1,3 do for a=0,1 do g=b[p] circ(g[1]-((15+30*i)*((a*2)-1)), g[2]+(t-g[4])*0.3*i, g[3]+i*7, 2+i-1) end end end for z=1,#e do s=e[z] p=s[1] o=s[2]+t-s[4] circ(p,o,s[3],14) if ((x-p)^2+(y-o-5)^2)^0.5<s[3] or x>240 or x<0 then exit() end end for i=0,3 do if btn(i) then if i<2 then y=y+(i*2-1) else x=x+((i-2)*2-1) end end end tri(x-5,y,x+5,y,x,y-9,7) end
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