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Virus Defender's pageHow many characters of code did you use?
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a=math b=240 c=138 d=120 e=69 f=0 g=0 h=0 i=.5 j=.2 k=.5 function l()m=d n=e o=0 p=0 q=0 r=0 end l() function TIC()t=a.sin(a.rad(f))u=-a.cos(a.rad(f))m=m+o n=n+p q=q+i r=r+j if btnp(4)then m=d+t*9 n=e+u*9 o=t*2 p=u*2 end if btn(2)then f=f-4 end if btn(3)then f=f+4 end cls()circ(d,e,7,8)print("*",(q-6)%b,(r-4)%c,6,true,2)circ(q%b,r%c,2,6) if pix(m%b,n%c)==6 then g=g+1 k=k*1.2 i=k*t j=k*u l()end print("SCORE "..g.." HI "..h,9,0)pix(m%b,n%c,15)line(d,e,d+t*9,e+u*9,15) if a.abs(q%b-d)<9 and a.abs(r%c-e)<9 then h=g>h and g or h g=0 k=.5 i=.5 j=.2 l()end end
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Formatted source. Note there are 3 ‘extra’ newlines, so this could have been 555 characters:
And this is what it looks like with friendlier variables, spacing, and comments:
Edit: I could probably save some more characters by using radians instead of degrees. I meant to do that, but that was very early in the dev process and I forgot about it.