UDC Jam Week #15
Theme: Death Is Not The End
Join our Discord! https://discord.gg/bu3bbby
🥇 The 1st place will get Animator Events + AssetIcons + NG Tools Pro + Code Stage Tools Bundle + uMMORPG Components Edition ($252 total)
🥈 The 2nd place will get Animator Events + AssetIcons + NG Tools Pro ($102 total)
Only one copy of each asset will be provided even if a team of several people wins.
• Animator Events: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/animator-events-169047
• AssetIcons: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/asseticons-100547
• NG Tools Pro: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/ng-tools-pro-34109
• Code Stage Tools Bundle: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/code-stage-tools-bundle-174778
• uMMORPG Components Edition: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/ummorpg-components-edition-159401
The prizes will be given through Discord, so be sure to join the server!
- The Jam starts on Saturday September 05th at 00:00 UTC+2.
- The Jam ends on Monday September 14th at 00:00 UTC+2.
- Ratings start as soon as the jam ends, until Saturday September 17th at 00:00 UTC+2.
- Everyone can vote for your game, so be sure to share the link as much as possible when the ratings begin!
- The game must be made during the Jam.
- The game must be made with Unity.
- Keep the theme in mind, your game will be voted on this criteria.
- The games will be rated on the following criteria:
- Gameplay
- Theme
- Innovation
- Fun
- You can participate solo or in team.
- If you participate in team, submit with only one account. You'll be able to tell the username of all the members who worked on the game.
- You're free to use any graphical and audio resources you want, you don't have to create them during the jam.
- You can use old code, tools, external libraries and assets from the Unity Store. But nothing that directly adds gameplay for you.
- Sharing your code source is optional, but feel free to do so. Be careful not sharing licensed content. ;)
- You can upload new versions of your game to fix bugs or support new platforms after the deadline. Be sure to read feedbacks!
- For your game to be playable and testable, it must be built and published on itch.io.
- We recommend at least WebGL and Windows, but keep in mind that the more platforms you distribute your game to, the more people will be able to play it.