Definitely not First!
Look, over the past few years, there've been some amazingly original tabletop RPGs: games that broke away from what had been done before in terms of systems, settings, physical properties, play expectations, themes, etc.
This is that sort game jam, though. This game jam is about being as unfirst as you can be, because being derivative is actually kind of fucking cool, so claim it. Here's our rules for submissions:
- Make a game or supplement derivative of one or more other games you love: vampire clans, teen angst, dungeon delves, space fantasy, postapocalyptic wastelands, space opera, whatever. I'm not your boss: do you!
- Delete any ideas that have racist, sexist, queerphobic, heternormative, cisnormative, antisemitic, anti-Islamic, fascist, or otherwise contribute the oppression of marginalized people. Those are bullshit. No one needs them.
- Tack a system on. Maybe it matters. Maybe it doesn't. Your call. We love you even if you use percentile dice.
- Systemless settings, supplements, or adventures also welcome! Try not to be first, though.
- Don't steal anyone else's IP, but otherwise wear your influences brazenly.
- Bonus suggestion! Cite sources, nerd out, get excited about things you love.