This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-06-02 16:25:00 to 2021-06-10 08:56:05. View results


" coming soon"

Who can enter? Anyone, of any age, from anywhere. You can work alone or in teams.

What is the theme?  "coming soon"

What can I make my game in? 

You must produce a digital computer game, that runs on Windows - or web browsers supported by Windows. You can support additional platforms (such as Mac or mobile) if you like, but a Windows build is necessary. 

You can make your game in whatever engine, programming language, or software you like. We recommend engines such as Unity, Game Maker, Godot, PICO-8, Unreal Engine, and Scratch. 

You may use engines designed for specific genres such as RPG Maker or Adventure Game Studio, but we don’t recommend it as the GMTK Jam is intended towards making games with brand new concepts and gameplay mechanics.

  • You can not make games for consoles (so no Super Mario Maker 2 levels or Dreams (PS4) creations).
  • You can not require the user to download additional software from external sources (so no ROMs for emulators, or games for Roblox, or games that need additional files like DLLs).
  • You can not require the user to print things out (so no board or card games).
  • You can not require the user to have hardware beyond a keyboard and mouse (so no VR games and no controller-only games).

Who will judge the games? Games will be judged by the public. 

What will the games be judged on? Games will be ranked against the following criteria: fun, originality, and presentation.

Why participate game jams?  Participating in game jams will improve the speed at which you do things. ... Making prototypes, you will also find a lot of tools and tricks that you can use on later prototypes or full games because you already tried them and know what they are best suited for.

What you can use

The game should be made during the game jam period. This is a race to make a game, and everyone starts running when the jam begins! As such, we expect you to make the vast majority of the game during this time. 

Can I use pre-existing code?

Yes! You can use pre-existing code, libraries, and functions. But we ask that you don’t write code specifically for the jam, ahead of time. 

The jam moderators cannot advise you individually on what pre-existing code is or isn’t allowed. So please use your best judgment and work within the spirit of the rules.

Can I use pre-existing art and/or audio?

Yes! You can use whatever art and audio you have the legal right to use. We’d recommend making your own stuff (especially your own art) but it’s up to you.

That means you can use pre-existing sprites, textures, fonts, models, shaders, animations, sound effects, and music - including public domain assets, assets you have purchased, assets you have made yourself, or assets that are (legally acceptable) derivative works of existing media. 

You should credit all external art and audio in your game description. 

Upon submission, you will be asked whether your team created the vast majority of the game’s art during the jam. (This does include animations, but not shaders or fonts). And you will be asked if you made the vast majority of the game’s music, during the game jam period. (This doesn’t include sound effects).

This is a way of highlighting the artists and composers who were involved with the jam, and this will not impact your rating.

The jam moderators cannot advise you individually on what assets you can use, so if in doubt, be cautious and make your own stuff! And they cannot advise individually on what answer you should provide to the submission questions, so please use your best judgment.

Note: The winners of the this game jam will earn an achievement certificate.

Further rules:

- You may participate in two jams at once if they happen at the same time and your game will fit both themes. - Games submitted to the unity vs godot game Jam must not contain nudity, or hateful language, or visuals.  You can support other platforms (such as Mac and Android) if you wish, provided there's at least one Windows/browser build - Your game cannot require additional software such as an emulator, or a game like Super Mario Maker 2, Roblox, or Dreams. - You may re-use some small bits of code, such as controller support. Use your best judgment, as mods will not be able to advise you on this.

Legal bit:

- Anything you make during the unity Game Jam is your property. unity game jam claims no rights or ownership of your game. 
- Any game submitted to unity Game Jam may show up in the YouTube video without your express permission.


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Browser playable (6)
Windows (6)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)

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A puzzle game about escaping people before the disaster. Submission for the Unity game jam.
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platformer 2D game
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Oh No The Po Po!
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a racing game where you try and pass all 7 levels before the time runs out
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