This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-12-12 00:00:00 to 2021-12-14 00:00:00. View results

Welcome Everyone

Welcome to the Ursina GameJam (Unofficial) which is hosted by Pratangsu Dev.  Whether you're a person who likes to go wild,  a casual game developer, Ursina fan, or you just stumbled upon the engine recently and would like to have a go at it, then this is the event for you. Join us on Discord!

The theme is Boss Battle

  1. This is an exclusive engine jam which means only submissions created using the Ursina Engine will be allowed.
  2. Submissions may be removed at the sole discretion of the organizers.
  3. Reusing existing code and assets is allowed to an extent.  1) No re-skinning of games made outside of the jam.    2) A majority of the code and/or assets must be made in the jam's time frame.
  4. Submissions require an export to Windows or if you're unable to export then zip your code and upload to the jam. 
  5. We will not tolerate racism, sexism, or any other form of discrimination when it comes to participation in the jam or submissions made.
  6. No new content may be uploaded after the submission deadline (no music, no polish, no tweaks). The only approved changes are GAME BREAKING bug fixes. Please include other bugs (e.g. don’t play in fullscreen, etc.) as information on your entry’s page.
  7. Follow the theme.
  8. Have fun!

Jam participants and any contributors will be judging games on the following:

> Theme: How well does the game adhere to the chosen theme?

> Entertainable: Was it fun? Enjoyable?

> Controls: How smooth is the game? Are the controls clunky or intuitive?

> Graphics: Does the game look good? Does the art style fit the type of game? Is the pixel art charming? How is the music? What about the sound effects?

> Originality: Was the game idea original?