This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-09-01 04:00:00 to 2019-10-01 04:00:00. View 33 entries
Your work has value! This jam's purpose is to reinforce that notion by encouraging people to charge money for their games.
There are two criteria for submitting a game to this jam:
1) The game must be a tabletop RPG. It does not have to be a full game, it could be a supplement or companion piece, but it has to be related to RPGs.
2) The game must be sold for at least $3. Free games will be removed.
There's no mandatory theme or any other major restrictions. However, there are a few extra rules:
Feel free to work as a team or alone.
For an added challenge, there's an optional theme: DERIVATIVE WORKS. Make something based on something else! Your work is still valuable even if it's not 100% original!
This jam is created and organized by Zargo Games, and co-hosted by Jay Dragon and Swords and Flowers. If you have any questions about the jam, please @ or DM me on Twitter @sorryjzargo or ask in the questions section on the community tab
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