This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-11-15 06:00:00 to 2022-03-01 05:59:00.
The VEN6 Storytelling System is a roleplaying game system specifically designed to create narrative-first storytelling roleplaying games with conflict mechanics and a GM option. Players choose traits that define their character. Where those traits overlap reveals the characters' skills. It's a narrative system, but there's enough crunch that players can fight each other without looking like 5 year old playing army. "You're dead!" "Am not!"
By default, characters are built on four Traits, four Skills, two Relationships, and one Group. Take those bits, polish it up with an Archetype and some details and you will have a character.
Current games in the system are Human Hunter, a game of cryptids looking for proof that humans exist and Curse of the Alta Silva, a cabin in the woods slasher game.
VEN6 is licensed CC-BY.
Jam Rules
Your entry has to be a tabletop roleplaying game that uses the VEN6 SRD in some way.
I encourage you to charge for your work, although community copies are a nice way to support those that can't afford your game for whatever reason.