This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-11-11 23:18:04 to 2024-11-27 21:56:00. View 119 entries
Welcome to 2025! Oops, maybe that’s a bit early! The theme of this bundle is moving into a new year, but any game theme is welcome.
This page is for submissions to the Venturing 2025 Bundle. The bundle price is set at $25.
Accepted Submissions:
The approval process is simple: after submission, you’ll receive a message on the Jam submission page confirming whether your game has been approved. This process usually takes 1-3 days depending on the volume of submissions. If you have questions about your game’s approval, feel free to reach out using any of the contact methods below.
Revenue Sharing: Revenue is shared equally among participants, though adjustments may be made if there is an odd number of participants.
Project Page: