Hello! Thank you for submitting! I noticed your game page looked a little bare. Please be sure to add credits to your team and their roles. And some screenshots would help as well, especially for those of us that don't have windows >.< (Instructions mention an exe, is there only a windows build?)
Hi! Thanks for the advice, I was thinking it needed something extra as well, so ill get right on that. We also just had a PC build at first, but I just added a mac one since it was not all that hard to make in our engine.
Hello! Thank you for submitting! I noticed your game page looked a little bare. Please be sure to add credits to your team and their roles. And some screenshots would help as well, especially for those of us that don't have windows >.< (Instructions mention an exe, is there only a windows build?)
Hi! Thanks for the advice, I was thinking it needed something extra as well, so ill get right on that. We also just had a PC build at first, but I just added a mac one since it was not all that hard to make in our engine.
Ayy that looks super nice now :D