This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-01-01 05:00:00 to 2020-01-04 05:00:00. View results

This game jam is dedicated to video game tycoon gold edition created by gamesweet in 2006.

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Video game tycoon gold edition is abandonware created by gamesweet in 2006. The company went out of business a couple of years ago and they took down the website for it. It is impossible to activate since the website and servers went down but it is still usable since it provides a 3 day demo. I want to see what users can make with the engine and I think it will be nice to look back on what was.

There is no requirements of what type of game you will make but it has to be with this game engine.

To get this to run, you need to download the engine and go to the rom folder and run vgt_gold.exe

This game jam will happen during January 1-3 and ratings will happen on the 4th.