This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-01-01 06:00:00 to 2024-01-31 06:00:00. View 4 entries

The game jam runs from right now to 31 Jan. You can start making the game anytime, but you can only submit it from 1 Jan to 31 Jan.

Player review phase is from 1 Feb to 10 Feb. Please play and comment on as many as you can!

The theme is...


You don't really need to follow the theme. (The theme is actually not part of the ranking criteria.) This is just to help point you in a specific direction if you can't think of any ideas. Speaking of ideas, here are some ways you can interpret this theme:

♥ Love can be romantic, platonic, obsessive, non-existent, imagined, discovered, buried, destroyed etc.

♥ Love can be for your pets, your waifu, a specific item (such as megane) or even...a certain VTuber?

♥ Love is war, but baby don't hurt me, no more

♥ LÖVE is a game engine, so any game made in that engine technically fits the theme!

♥ If you love making games, or you love your game, that counts!

♥ Love in Japanese is "Ai" so your game can be about Kizuna Ai, or AI taking over the world.

♥ Love is kind of related to the heart, so a game about ripping out people's hearts and eating them...? Close enough.


♠ The game must be playable on web! You can include a downloadable exe as well, but I will play all the games on a browser.

♠ So that everyone can enjoy it, the game should be free. You can enable donations, but the game should not be locked behind a paywall.

♠ No NSFW allowed.

♠ You must play and comment on at least 2 other entries during the ranking phase. [number might change depending on submissions, but generally i encourage you to play as many as possible!]


♦ The game does not need to be related to virtualharby in any way, shape or form.

♦ You are allowed to use graphics, music, SFX etc made by other people. Just make sure you have the correct permissions and have properly credited them.

♦ You are allowed to use some AI-generated material, but AI should be an assistant, not the lead designer.

♦ The games are ranked by two things:

    ♦ Fun - how enjoyable the game is to play. This doesn't mean your game has to be light-hearted, I'm just bad at naming categories.

    ♦ Polish - how completed the game feels. This can be helped by having consistent graphics, smooth gameplay, responsive UI, sound effects etc.

Resources for beginners

If you are a new game dev, here are some resources to help you out!

My livestream of Game Dev 101 (warning, not very educational) - Class notes here

RenPy- Free engine for making a visual novel, no coding knowledge required.

RPG Maker - Excellent engine for making RPGs. Paid, but there is a 30-day free trial.


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Browser playable (4)

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Things go awry when you try and summon a hellspawn.
Visual Novel
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Destroy love-balloons.
Play in browser
Stack and field.
Play in browser
An interactive experience in tying votes
Play in browser