This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-12-14 18:00:00 to 2019-01-04 18:00:00. View results

What is the #VirtusJam?

The Virtus Jam is a relaxed competition in which you make a game based on the theme (which will be announced at 6PM on 14th December) and submit it before 6.00pm on 4th January. It will be a great opportunity to meet new people and become part of a growing community as you push yourself to learn new skills and create an amazing game.

So what's the theme?

We're pleased to say the theme for this game jame is "Armageddon"... something which is very open to interpretation and essentially means end of the world.  Start brainstorming your ideas now and make sure your game is relevant as the theme is one of the main factors that people wll be voting on.

Joining a team

Want to fly solo? That’s great! However, participants are strongly encouraged to team up with other entrants! Find people who complement your strengths and look for minded people! Looking for teammates? Come say hi in the Virtus Discord! We also encourage you to say hi in the discord regardless and meet other like-minded gamedevs, 3d & 2d artists, audio and video actors, and other neat folks!

Also check out our dedicated #Virtusjam page on crowforge where you can find like-minded people



Tweet your game WIPs with the hastag #virtusjam and they might get retweeted from the Virtus account!

Categories and Judging

  • Overall game
  • Theme
  • Gameplay
  • Sound
  • Asthetics


The judges will be you, the community! Every game submitted will be able to playable by everyone through the site and you will be able to rate them all based on the categories above. 


Game Jams are rewarding in more ways than one, not only will you learn a bunch of a new dev skills, we’ve teamed up with a bunch of awesome dev companies to offer the winners of the game jam some sweet prizes. Each of these partners have been carefully chosen to add value to yuor game dev career, check them out to find out more!

There will be prizes for first, second and third place so it’s definetely worth getting stuck in, below you can find a complete list of those prizes for the winning team!
1st Place

1 x Virtus branded shirt for each member of the team

1 x 6 month GameTextures subscription for each member of the team

1 x World Machine licence for each member of the winning team

4 x packt publishing e-books & 4x videos to share amongst winning team

1 x ClothWeaver 100% off code for each member of the winning team

1 x 1 year subscription with 1000 credits per month

Game Jam Winner Discord Role for each member of winning team

2nd Place

1 x ClothWeaver 5o% off code for each member of the winning team

1 x 500 credit pack to share in winning team

3rd Place

1 x ClothWeaver 25% off code for each member of the winning team

1 x 500 credit pack to share in winning team

If you're interested in being a sponsor for our game jam, drop us a line at:




Platform: you can make your game on any operating system, but it must be playable on windows machines.  Unreal starter content only is allowed. All other assets must be created by the team and be original works (ie no downloading assets paid or free from the marketplace). Mixamo animations are also allowed to be used. It must not depict nudity, animal cruelty, or illegal activity or substance, or offensive or obscene subject matter It must be appropriate for a broad audience since the winning submission may be seen by people of all ages and background. Any images used in the Submission must be an original work of authorship under UK. Copyright Law. It must not feature any trademarks (including logos).


Q: I've never made a game before, can I enter?  A: Yes

Q: I'm not very good at making games, should I enter? A: Yes

Q: Can I use Gamemaker, Unity, Unreal, my own boilerplate, and/or my own engine?  A: Yes

Q: What time zone determines the start and end dates?  A: GMT

Q: Can I join the jam after it has already started?  A: Yes, you can join at any time. You just have to submit a game before the deadline. 

Q: Can I work with a team?  A: Yes

Q: Can I be a member of more than one team?  A: No

Q: Can I use open source assets, unreal market place assets, or other assets that are available to the general public?  A: No. Only starter content (such as the First and Third Person templates that come with the engine are allowed to be reused. Mixamo animations can be used, but you must create your own characters.

Q: Can I update my game after the end of the jam?  A: Yes but judging will be based on the copy that was submitted by the deadline.

Q: How many people can I team up with? A: 8 is the maximum team size!


The use of premade models, characters, UI and levels will lead to an immediate disqualification.

We are however allowing participants to use pre-made textures to make things easier. We recommend you checkout our sponsors for high quality royalty free game textures. You can of course use textures from other sources.

You can also use royalty free sound effects providing include references to those licence as part of the form upon submission.

The use of premade models, characters, UI and levels will lead to an immediate disqualification.


All submissions
Browser playable (3)
Windows (22)
macOS (2)

No submissions match your filter

A dour fixed shooter about regret
Play in browser
Fight to the victory, you will die anyway
You are a tiny sentient astroid headed to Earth and hell bent on destruction & kippleization
A risk-like strategy adventure
A strategy/TPS game where you have to defend the planet from drone invasion.
No matter what God you pray to
Survive the Armageddon by colleting resources and defending your base
You play as a test subject that has just awoken in a test lab, know you must find your way out.
A prototype for a platformer created for the Virtus Winter Game Jam
Survive as teenage girl in occupied city
What if candy started raining from the skies?
A calm adventure game about armageddon.
Help Atlas defend the Earth from Zeus, who wants to wipe out Mankind yet again!
Survive the falling snow Battle Royal ;)
A prototype submitted for the Virtus 2018 Winter Community Game Jam
A game of survival
Armageddon in reverse
Play in browser
Battle for Sugar