This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-07-16 22:00:00 to 2022-08-07 22:00:00. View results

Jam Info

Waffle is a 1 week long video game development jam,  All can participate and vote the best game.



Your game will be rated on:

-Enjoyment: How much you enjoyed your time with the game.         

-Gameplay: The Gameplay of the game.

 -Beauty: The Aspect of the game: Art , Menus, Characters

-Theme: the Jam theme 


No NSFW content, offensive content, excessive gore

Be real with the votes

You can send every GAME you want

You can`t Submit a game already do!

You can sumit a game that not have the theme

You can use ANY engine you want

Sumit the games in Windows, Mac and Linux(And if you want android)


Yeah, The enemy of the waffles, Is this a plotwist? Sure! Why not?


your game can only weigh 1GB :)


All submissions

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