Overall I enjoyed the game itself, although, aside from having rabbits in it, I don't really see how it conforms to the theme of "down the rabbit hole." This isn't an issue to me, but may be to others. Dyslexia may be a mental "condition" but it isn't anything deranged or insane like the theme otherwise suggests.
But my only real issue with the game is the text itself. The text colour should change with the background colour. White text is difficult to read against a light background, and red is difficult to read against that slight pinkish background. It may reinforce the idea of dyslexia and having difficulty to read though and so from a metaphorical standpoint I feel it suits the game as a whole, but I do also feel that it does somewhat detract from the experience for people like me, who already have eye problems as it is and so reading became a difficult chore rather than a pleasure.