This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-11-17 08:00:00 to 2024-11-21 15:00:00. View results

Welcome to the Weekly Code game jam!

How It Works:

1. Every week, there will be a new coding-related theme. For example: "if statements" / "Sorting Algorithms" / "BitWise" etc... 

2. The goal is to make a game related to the theme - it can be as literal or creative as you want. For example, if the theme is "if statements," the game can be an educational game about if statements, a game with alternatives to if statements, or anything else related to the theme as long as you learn something new about the subject! 

3. You may use any assets as long as you have the license for them and credit the creators.

4. You may use any game engine and software that you want. 

This Week's Theme:

Sorting Algorithms

Jam Rankings: 

1st place:  Sortastrophe by PiglinGold

2nd place: very simple sorting game by balo the wolf

3rd place: Bubble Short Adventure by Hikma Maulana Malik Ibrahim


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a wise man once said: wow that was really cool
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