This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-01-01 08:00:00 to 2022-01-01 09:00:00.

Looking for the current Week Sauce jam?
Go here: March 2025

Who has time for game jams, with jobs, families and other commitments getting in the way? Week Sauce tries to make jamming more chill.

  • No set dates. Start whenever.
  • You have 7 days to make something, but they don’t need to be  consecutive days.
  • After that, publish whatever you have, even if it’s not finished! No big deal, it’s just a #weeksauce game after all!
  • Submit as many (or few) times during the month as you want; we will host a new one at the start of every month.
  • Tag any games you submit as #weeksauce, and use that same hashtag in social media so others can find you. You can also  follow @weeksaucegames on Twitter for announcements, or join our Discord server if you want to chat with other participants.

We host a monthly themed jam. The theme is totally optional tho; whatever month you join, you don't need to follow it if you don't feel like it. It is mostly there to help you get the creative juices going if you are out of ideas. Normally we announce the theme for the following month a few days in advance, but you can join either the current month or next month's jam (or both!). You can also check previous themes and entries following the links below. Jam LinkTheme
April 2025[To Be Announced]
March 20251 Minute
February 2025Resistance! 
January 2025Make A Game That Blends 2 Genres With 10 Or Less Entries On Steam
December 2024Wait, Are We the Bad Guys? / Running Out of Space
November 2024Shapeshift / Murder, Mystery, and Mayhem
October 2024Collecting Frights / We Have a Breach!
September 2024
It's Like (?) But With (?)
August 2024Time Travel / Harvest
July 2024Rulebook for the Recently Deceased / Return to Base
June 2024Puppet Master
May 2024Drones, Not Evil After All!
April 2024Chain Reaction
March 2024Make a Game with 0x72's Dungeon Tileset Assets
February 2024Remake a “Terrible” Minigame
January 2024
One Tool, Many Uses
December 2023Give an Ill-Fitting Game or Game Genre the Winter Holiday Treatment / Inconvenient Power
November 2023Underwater
October 2023Grab an Item From Your PERSONAL TODO LIST and Make It the GOAL of Your Game
September 2023Aetherial Realms
August 2023Creature Companions
July 2023Disco! / Too Heavy
June 2023Make a Game in Which Color is the Most Important Mechanic
May 2023Cosmic Wonders
April 2023Trapped
March 2023The Dark Side
February 2023Where in the World is…?
January 2023Boss Fight: the Musical
December 2022Make a Game Based on a Favorite Gift You Received as a Child / Finish One of the Games You Started This Year!
November 2022A Storm is Coming
October 2022HEXES!
September 2022 EXPLAIN A MOVIE YOU LIKE BADLY in a sentence or two, base your game on that (#ExplainAMoviePlotBadly).
August 2022Fin & Claw.
July 2022Pick a FAVORITE BOOK, make a game based on a SPECIFIC CHAPTER of that book.
June 2022Choose a place you have lived in. The theme of your game is something that place is known for.
May 2022Imagine a game you love is the sequel to an earlier, previously unknown, but recently rediscovered game. Make that game.
April 2022Pick a MUSICAL GROUP you like and TURN THEIR NAME INTO THE THEME of your game.
March 2022Renewable Energy.
February 2022Under Cover.
January 2022Remake.

For more info, visit