This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-09-01 07:00:00 to 2024-10-01 07:00:00. View 10 entries

Who has time for game jams, with jobs, families and other commitments getting in the way? Week Sauce tries to make jamming more chill.

  • No set dates. Start whenever.
  • You have 7 days to make something, but they don’t need to be consecutive days.
  • After that, publish whatever you have, even if it’s not finished! No big deal, it’s just a #weeksauce game after all!
  • Submit as many times during the month as you want; we will host a new jam at the start of every month.
  • Tag any games you submit as #weeksauce, and use that same hashtag in social media so others can find you. You can also join our Discord server for announcements or if you want to chat with other participants.

This month's (optional) theme is:

🦄 It's Like (?) But With (?)

Note that your game must be created during the jam and for this jam only; if you created it or submitted it to a different jam, please don't re-submit it to Week Sauce.

For more info, visit, or go to to join the most current Week Sauce jam.


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Browser playable (5)
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It's like Scrabble, but with narrative! A mysterious earthquake destroys the two protagonist's last day on the planet.
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Frog Life is a game made during the WeekSauce(Sept2024) game jam, by Dragulair and Leo7531
Help Stan prepare for his big test on Friday... by playing minigames!
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A game about person dealing with the tragic death of their friend.
Interactive Fiction
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Solo ttrpg using reversible zine, fortune teller and dice
A arcade game where you try to put and connect all the componnets coming your way
Natures influence your character's actions
Deutschsprachiges Text-Adventure: Bau das beste Baumhaus jemals, damit deine kranke Freundin sich endlich besser fühlt.
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It's like working in tech support with time management and stress.
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