This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-05-06 12:00:00 to 2021-06-01 05:59:59. View 5 entries
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first jam. This is meant to be a pretty low-key and relaxed game jam. I encourage all skill levels and team sizes to participate in this jam. I'd also like to point out that the theme and limitations are BOTH optional and neither have anything to do with the name of the jam :D
Also, if you are a newbie and want help getting started or just want to chat, consider joining our discord. It's a lot of fun and we talk about anything and everything dev related.
So while it's meant to be relaxed, we do have a few rules.
- No Adult Material - Nothing against this, just don't want to deal with moderating it first time out.
- No Bigoted Content - This doesn't really have a place anywhere so should be obvious.
- No Pressure - Games don't have to be finished, if you have a half finished level with broken mechanics, no worries
- DOUBLE NO PRESSURE - While we have themes, don't feel like you have to follow them. We're here for fun.
- Use What You Have - You can use any tools, assets, code, etc. that you have the rights to use. Again, no pressure.
These themes are optional, but they're what we came up with.
Rule of Threes
Unexpected Mechanics
This restriction is optional but could add an additional fun twist.
Playable With Controller
I feel like a lot of us leave controllers out on small games and just adds a nice touch, not much of a restriction but I wanted the creativity to come from the above. Next time we'll have something better.
I'll be streaming all the submissions the first of June at 10PM Mountain Time. We'll have a great time and make a huge thing of it. I want to eventually turn this into a charity event but I'm not sure what that looks like as of yet.
Take it easy.
Here are some additional resources to get started. Obviously a good place to start is discord but these resources are useful for everyone.
Game Design Resources:
GDC YouTube
Level Design Guide (the whole site is great)
YouTube Playlist for First Game (you should watch this basically no matter what)
Game Engines: (anything is fine)
Game Assets:
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